Due to preterm labor and a possiblity of uterine rupture, I am being schedueld for a c-sec at 35w or just after. I was wondering what your experiences have been with a baby at that point? I did get the steriod shots at 31w, and we've seen her practincing "breathing"...so I'm not too, too scared...I just want to be prepared.
(And I think I may have asked this already, but preggo brain is not cooperating with me today!)
Re: For those with 35 weekers...
Eli 6.18.09 35.5w
Silas 1.25.13 35.4w 10 days NICU, allergies/asthma, gluten intolerant
My son was born 35w6d and he had to go to the NICU due to hypoglycemia and RDS. The RDS was due to his gestational age and related the the hypoglycemia ... both due to my GD.
However, after 24 hours in the NICU, we learned he'd suffered a brain injury at birth. This was an accident and had nothing really to do with his gestational age or the GD ... just one of those flukey things.
He spent 12 days in the NICU and has been doing wonderfully ever since. It could have been a LOT worse for us (could've been a lot better too!).
Every story is different. Hopefully, your LO will be just perfect, won't need any time in the NICU, and will grow and thrive and go home with you when you leave the hospital!
No major issues whatsoever with my babies - one baby was IUGR, so very tiny and needed to be in the NICU for one night for observation but everything was just peachy. My larger baby (on the larger side of average for 35 weeks) had slightly elevated biliruben (or however you spell it) levels, but she never needed special care for jaundice. Both babies came home with me when I was discharged, and they are doing so well!
I did have the steroid shots due to PTL before 27 weeks, and I was on hospital bedrest from that point on.
Good luck!