I want my baby's name to have meaning and family heritage, but my parents'/grandparents' names all kinda turn me off as first names. I know some will work as middle names. Soren, Catherine, Virginia, James, Angela, Max, Bonnie, Brian, Ronald, Shirley. Any suggestions?
My husband and I have fallen into the baby name conversations, even though it's a little early. I just want to find a name to dazzle him so he stops saying, "we're naming him DOZER." (I wouldn't let him name our dog that.)
I wish I could name a little girl my mom's exact name, but I guess that'd be weird. Bonnie Sue.
Re: New to names...
I really like Soren--so pretty. It's different but not too out there.
And Catherine is timeless but Cate is sort of modern so you could go with Cate as the nn.
Also, James is great--the other boy names are nms. But Max is pretty popular these days.
Catherine is one of my favorite names. I think it's gorgeous and timeless. Virginia is also pretty. Catherine Virginia sounds nice!
I also love James and Brian. Brian James sounds great. You have a lot of nice names to choose from GL!?
I guess because they are my family members, I wasn't thinking of them as nice names. I don't think many of them are my style. BTW, Soren is my grandfather's name. It's Norweigian... not really something I'd use for a girl.
Thanks for the suggestions... and I do like Catherine shortened to Cate. I guess because my grandmother's called Cathy, I couldn't think of another nickname haha.