We found out that I'm pregnant with our second. DS is 7 months right and will be about 15 months when this one is born. I'm so nervous about having 2 under 2. Any tips? TIA
I completly understand you being nervous, but try to relax. take one step at a time. I made a list of everything that i thought i needed to get done between finding out i was prego again and the baby being born. And slowly made my way through the list. My daughter was about 3 months old when i got pregnant again. She was born c-section on Aug 13, 2008 and ironicly i had to schedule a repeat c-section on August 12th of this year to deliver our son. So on top of getting ready for baby #2 we are planning our daughters first birthday party. Her party will be the Sat, Aug 8th, baby #2 will be born Wed, Aug 12th and our daughters actual birthday is Thursday, Aug 13th. It overwhelming!
Re: It looks like I'm joining you ladies!!!!