2nd Trimester

Spray Tanning???

What do you ladies think? I'm in my brother's wedding in 2 wks & thought maybe I could just get a spray tan so I wouldn't look quite so...ummm .... vampirish?? Hehe....I'm only doing it this once, it's not something that I would make a habit of. I've tried to tan on our deck but #1 - I scare my neighbors, #2 - I just get way too hot out there. Do you think it's safe for me to go & get a spray tan???

Re: Spray Tanning???

  • Try searching old posts...I'm pretty sure someone posted about this same thing in the past few days.  Also, if you're concerned, I'd ask your doctor.
  • I wouldn't breathe in those chemicals, pregnant or not. But that's just me.
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  • Your child will come out looking like an Oompa Loompa.
  • My doctor said absolutely not. I'm flaunting my creaminess all summer long. Not worth the risk IMO.


  • Soap1Soap1 member

    My doctor okayed tanning, real and fake.

    But you need to ask yours!


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  • I did a spray tan around 10 weeks and my baby seems to be doing just fine. I did not check with the dr before doing it though, so if you're really concerned you might want to check.

    Personally, I thought it was an incredibly unpleasant experience and barely lasted, so I don't think it's worth the money. I've had better experiences with lotions that tan you gradually- I think Johnsons has some that have worked well for me in the past.

  • personally i think you are better off just regular tanning than the spray tanning.  They haven't come to conclusions on the chemicals used in the spray tanning formula.
  • I did it about 3 weeks ago for my uncle's wedding.  The stuff didn't hurt my nose or anything, it smelled like lotion.  Anyway, I think it's fine.  Everyone makes choices when they're pregnant; everything's a trade off.  I choose not to have caffeine, but I get my hair colored & spray tan...
  • imageKB1001:
    personally i think you are better off just regular tanning than the spray tanning.  They haven't come to conclusions on the chemicals used in the spray tanning formula.

    But they have come to conclusions regarding tanning & skin cancer.

    Food for thought...like, a double-whopper with cheese shoved down your throat with fries & a shake.

  • I tried the Jergens gradual tanning lotion and the smell made me puke :( But I may try the Johnsons. Thankfully, my husband is a good sport and helps me put it on... ha....

    I'm going to the Dr today so I was going to ask anyway...just wanted to get your opinions! Thanks!!

  • My doctor AND the tanning place said NO WAY!  Depending on the bed regular tanning can be okay, but spray tanning is a no no due to the chemicals that are in it....
  • imageBlairWaldorf:

    personally i think you are better off just regular tanning than the spray tanning.  They haven't come to conclusions on the chemicals used in the spray tanning formula.

    But they have come to conclusions regarding tanning & skin cancer.

    Food for thought...like, a double-whopper with cheese shoved down your throat with fries & a shake.


    Lol...can always count on Blair to point out the ignorant.

  • imageBlairWaldorf:
    Your child will come out looking like an Oompa Loompa.

    Thank you Blair for your daily post that makes me shoot water out of my nose from laughing.

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  • Here is the Q&A from the bump :


    Sunless tanning has DHA.  DHA based sunless tanning has been recommended by the American Cancer Association.   The special consideration here is that you're pregnant.  Much like acne medication - no one run tests on pregnant women and see if there are  health concerns for your unborn child while using these products. 

    If pregnant, use it at your own* risk.  

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