So I bought this cheapie heart monitor (not a doppler) from Target. It
works, not as good as a doppler, but it works. Anyways. Last night i
was laying on my back and listening for baby. It is not that clear bu
tyou can hear stuff. Anyways I heard baby kicking and then I felt baby
kicking. Thought I was nuts. So this morning I get up ( i was
sleeping on my right side) and turn on my back. I looked at my lower
abs. (above my pubic bone) and my stomach was uneven. I swear. My
left side was higher than right. I felt it and it felt like a ball. I
can't help to think that was baby. Then it went smooth, though i did
not feel movement, and i did the monitor again. Again 2 big kicks that
moved the monitor. Could this be possible? I am 18 weeks but
measuring 19 weeks.
Re: XP: OMG Girls
Yeah it was so cool. I was like WTF? Could it be. I have a VERY short torso so baby has no where to go really.