
Vent about work adoption money

So, I don't normally vent but I'm getting quite frustrated. My work reimburses us $3,500 for adoption expenses. I'm tried to be very patient as I'm thrilled we get anything. Long story short is that when we first decided to adopt I met with HR to confirm that they do this. It is briefly mentioned in our handbook but that it is. the HR folks said that they would look into it because no one had ever used it as far as they know. They were a bit confused but soon got back to me that yes I was right.?

Next question... ?how does it work? When do we get the money? They said after I pay for the adoption related expenses. So I turned in receipts back in December once we had reached that amount for homestudy and other fees off the bat.

Then they tell me I can't get reimbursed until the baby is actually home with us. I said okay, that makes sense. Placement or finalization? They don't know and never tell me.?

The day that he was born I had them email me the paperwork to fill out. The paperwork asks for a copy of receipts and EITHER the placement agreement OR the finalization papers. We don't finalize until late this year so I turned in the placement papers.

A week later (now a month ago) they tell me that they won't pay me until finalization. What? I contact HR and tell them that I'm confused because I've turned in all paperwork I've been asked for. ?I ask if the forms they gave me were wrong.?

That was on 5/18. What is today? I emailed them again and apologized for bugging them but I need to know what is going on. I think they are hoping I just go away, but it's not like I'm talking about $30 here. I'm getting a bit ticked off. There is no written policy I can find anywhere so my guess is they just grabbed this form from somewhere and didn't understand what it means. Now they are making up the policy as we go.?

Ok. Vent over. ?

Re: Vent about work adoption money

  • I think if they come back again and say finalization then I would tell them just that - it sounds like they are making up policy as they go.

    I would keep on them. Let them know that, you really hope that they can expedite this as you would really love to report them to the Dave Thomas Adoption  Foundation as a business that is pro-adoption. Or something or other lol

    I'm sorry they are being s.t.u.p.i.d about this. DH's work does a reimbursement as well - but they have had several adoptions in the company so hopefully it goes okay with them.

  • This whole thing is s.t.u.p.i.d! I'm just surprised because I'm quite high ranking in our organization and just shocked that they would treat me this way. I know I could go over their head and I would have a check the same day, but I'm trying to play nice nice and not undermine them. Uggghhh. I hate arguing about money.?

    I like the Dave Thomas Adoption Foundation idea. ?

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  • That sucks, Fred. Don't nominate them for the DTAF!
  • UGH, that's really crappy that they don't know what's going on!!

    FWIW, mine is a reimbursement of $2500 upon finalization too.  :(  I just wish that they had come out and told you finalization in the beginning!  (((HUGS)))

  • That is so annoying that they are working it out as they go along...that's really unfair!
  • It sounds like they don't know what they are doing. Sorry you're dealing with this. Dh's employer won't reimburse until after finalization but if I were you I would go to them with the paperwork that asked for placement paperwork and demand an explanation (and maybe something in writing).
  • I would NOT apologize, and I'd be in their office asking WTF.

    FWIW, both our jobs have reimbursement programs, but they don't reimburse until finalization.

    Good luck. I hope you get answers soon.

  • Update....

    So I just heard back from HR. They apologized and said they understand the miscommunication and agree that the paperwork says placement but that our "policy" says finalization. (I've NEVER seen a policy anywhere) They acknowledged that when they told me I would be reimbursed "once he is in our home" they didn't know that placement and finalization were different and apparently didn't look into it until I asked the question. Long story short they are talking to my direct supervisor to find out if they should just pay me.

    Good gracious. i understand finalization makes more sense. ?I just wished they had gotten it together before they told me something different and we planned our finances around it.?



  • I'm really sorry that you're going through this. It's very frustrating, and just adds insult to injury. Sadly, these kinds of administrative screw-ups are all too common, as the policies that exists may not be used frequently enough for their administrators to fully undersand them.

    We're on adoption #2, and my husband's employer (Chicago city department) keeps giving us different information. By this time, WE know the policies better than they do!

    I totally empathize!

  • Ugh. It sounds to me like they are VERY ignorant of the adoption process and haven't bothered to talk to anyone in the know before they got this started.

    I guess the only silver lining is that this may kick-start them to having something in place so others can use this benefit.

    Good luck.

  • I'm getting paid! Thanks for making me realize I'm not totally crazy.?
  • I just caught up on this post! I'm very glad you are getting paid! 

    I was going to suggest making them show you the "policy." At least that keeps them working.

    They clearly had no idea what they were doing did they now.

    PS--Holden is a total toot. So adorable.  

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