
Twin Feeding Schedule ....

.... what is yours like or was like?


I will be at home next week with them both alone ... and can NOT possibly see how I can feed both at once ... one is a spitter and has to be burped constantly .... so we try to get one right after the other


Any advice?

Re: Twin Feeding Schedule ....

  • Ours were on a strict 3 hour feeding schedule when they came home from 10 days in the NICU so we just continued that. They ate one right after another. Our experience with the schedule has been great. The girls literally start to stir every 3 hours exactly so we can plan our day around it and when I'm alone I know how long I have until they are going to wake up.

    Now that they are bigger and don't require as much individual help/burping/head support I can put them both in their bouncies and feed them at the same time.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Are you breastfeeding or bottle-feeding?
    At that age I was doing some of both, and I did try to feed them at the same time. Alex was a heavy spitter and they both needed to be burped constantly, so they'd cry while waiting for me to burp the other. BUT they were taking about an hour to eat each time, and eating every 2.5-3 hours, so there's no way we could have fed them separately and still managed to get any sleep, pump, shower, change diapers, etc.
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
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  • Most of the time they are eating every 2-3 hours.  Early on, around 2-3 weeks they went through a spurt where they were eating all the time, like every hour.  It was really  hard on me (I'm breastfeeding), but once that passed we are back to 2-3 hours.  When I was feeding them separately I would just feed one then the other, back to back.  Now that I am able to nurse them both at the same time I do that most of the time. 
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