Toddlers: 12 - 24 Months

Little Tikes Cozy Coupe or other baby cars


dd received this for her birthday but I am not sure since she moves alot and the car does not have a belt.

Do you have this? How is it? If you don't what do you have/rec?


Re: Little Tikes Cozy Coupe or other baby cars

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    See siggy.  It is ds favorite toy.
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    We got DS one last month when they were on sale at Target and he is obsessed with it!!  He has loved toys before but nothing like this.  He will push it around the yard nad have us push him in it.  That is all he wants to do.  I never thought about it not having a belt.  It has the door and he just sits there while we are pushing him.   
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    DS has it and loves it.  the best part for him is crawling in and out so a belt would not work. I think it would be really hard for them to fall through it and get really hurt since their feet hit the ground.  I do have to be right next to him all the time since he would rather go in and out through the window area rather then the door.   
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    we have one, unfortunately ONLY one, because the boys LOVE it. they fight over it. there have been carjackings with the cozy coupe. it isn't pretty.


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    we have it and ds loves to be pushed around in it.  No belt is needed for us, but the door lock is a must.  DS always tries to get out while it's still moving.
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    aforstaforst member

    We just got it and he LOVES it.  The new ones come w/ a bottom you can put in if they aren't old enough to move it w/ their own feet yet.  I don't think the belt is an issue.  It's not a very big space in there and the door closes and locks. 

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    See siggy.  It is ds favorite toy.


    Ditto Fiona's fav toy!!

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    See pic- carjacking in process.   

    DS's playdate got in his car.  He threw a temper tantrum and then "helped" her out of his car.  He loves that thing so much.  He'd sleep in it and eat in it if I let him!  By far his favorite!

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