Austin Babies

Why won't my milk fully come in! (vent)

I pump every 3 hours and get about 1/2 to 2/3 ounce TOTAL after 20 minutes.  I've been at this for almost 3 weeks give and take some rough patch days when I couldn't pump consistently.  I'm on Reglan, taking Fenugreek and Blessed Thistle for about 2 weeks.  I'm so frustrated!  All I really wanted to do was breastfeed.  Now DS is having issues with formula that he wouldn't be having if I could just produce enough milk.  What am I doing wrong?  Anyone else have this same issue?

Re: Why won't my milk fully come in! (vent)

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    What works for me is drinking plenty of water, and relaxing.  The relaxing one is key.  When I pump, I close my eyes and do some yoga breathing.  It really helps, for me.  Sounds corny I know.  But times when I get stressed or have a really bad day, my supply drops dramaticlly.
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    I did not have the same issue at the beginning but at the end --

    I was on reglan, pumping every hour, eating more oatmeal than one should, on MMP (I drank it like water) I was drinking about 7 cups of mother's milk tea. drinking beer, eating sweet potato every night and NONE of the above worked.

    I wish I had some advice but I think it sometimes helps to know that all that stuff does not always work....


    I know this does not help but just try not to stress and relax a bit and do what you can do.

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    Breathe.  I beleive at 3 weeks old, the amount your pumping is normal.  I don't ever remember pumping more than 3 ounces at that time.  Have you checked with  It's a great website.  Are you bf'ing then pumping or pumping then bf'ing? 


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    Just a clarification, the pumping isn't the issue.  I can't even breastfeed because I am only getting that amount total every 2-3 hours.  I'm not producing enough to breastfeed so I have to feed him formula and then supplement with expressed breastmilk when I have enough for one feeding (which takes 3-4 pumping sessions to make enough).   I'm doing everything I'm told and still, the results are nowhere near what they should be.
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    I'm sorry, I know how frustrating this is for you.  I was never able to pump as much as A was actually getting on his own.  So for me, pumping was never a good measure of how much he was getting to eat by BFing.

    Yes.  I forgot to add that the baby can suck more than the pump will.  The pumped amount is not a good indicator of how much your producing.  It took me awhile to figure this out.  I finally took dd to a LC and had her weighed before I fed her and then weighed after I fed her.  That helped me tremendously to understand that I was producing enough milk and that dd was getting enough food.  I think dd was about 3 weeks old when I did this.  Up until that point I was bf'ing then supplementing with formula and dd would spit up after every feeding.....well, she was too full.  I was feeding her too much. 

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    When I did that at the LC, he spent 15 minutes per breast and got about 10 ml.  I wish I could let him feed more directly from my breast but he gets so tired and doesn't really get much, and then we still have to feed him about 2 ounces of formula after that.  It just makes me sad. :(
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    I wasn't able to BF either of my babies. I tried but just wasn't making any milk. In the end, I felt the most important thing was that my babies were getting food, and if that meant formula, that was ok. They would be just fine and that's all the mattered. It sounds like you are making a great effort to make this work and I hope you can make it work, but if it doesn't, don't beat yourself up about it. (((hugs)))
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    I wasn't able to BF either of my babies. I tried but just wasn't making any milk. In the end, I felt the most important thing was that my babies were getting food, and if that meant formula, that was ok. They would be just fine and that's all the mattered. It sounds like you are making a great effort to make this work and I hope you can make it work, but if it doesn't, don't beat yourself up about it. (((hugs)))
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    When I did that at the LC, he spent 15 minutes per breast and got about 10 ml.  I wish I could let him feed more directly from my breast but he gets so tired and doesn't really get much, and then we still have to feed him about 2 ounces of formula after that.  It just makes me sad. :(

    One thing we figured out is that it took DD forever to eat.  So - it wasn't that there wasn't enough - she was a super slow eater.  At 3 weeks - she would take an hour to breastfeed.  I was pumping after every session, doing everything to increase my supply. But - the supply wasn't the problem. My kid was a really slow eater.  (Still is in fact.)  And as others have said - the pump definitely does not measure your output.  I never responded well to the pump and DD could get much more nursing than I would ever get from the pump. Even when I took fenugreek,etc., the pump output barely changed.

    It's very normal for kids to get really tired while bfing at that age.  We had that issue with DD. I would honestly try to bf directly for 30 minutes.  Then weigh him.  Go another 15, weigh him again.  And keep trying that.  Then you'll get a more accurate idea of how much you are really producing and how much he is consuming.   

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    i agree with abrooks.  J was also a very slow eater, still is kinda slow.  i am sure you hear me complaining about it.  i did not limit is amount of time on the boob, if i had pulled him off after 20-30 minutes he also would not have gotten enough. it was very clear he was actually eating the whole time.  i just stuck with it and early on it really felt like ALL i did was sit on the couch feeding him, since he took almost an hour and ate every two hours. but i have to say it as worth it, i am not having any supply problem now like i did with my 1st.  i think it was because i left had him on the boob so often in those early weeks.

    with my 1st i had horrible pain plus supply problems, so i started supplementing with formula and mainly only pumping and limiting her time on the boob.  well i never established a good supply and ultimately gave up at 3 weeks.  

    i would definitely try to let your dc spend more time on the boob.  just remember though the most important thing is your dc is getting what they need food and love and try not to beat yourself up over it too much. abby was ffed and she is pretty great, there is absolutely nothing wrong with formula. 

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    I wasn't able to BF either of my babies. I tried but just wasn't making any milk. In the end, I felt the most important thing was that my babies were getting food, and if that meant formula, that was ok. They would be just fine and that's all the mattered. It sounds like you are making a great effort to make this work and I hope you can make it work, but if it doesn't, don't beat yourself up about it. (((hugs)))
    This as well. I had to quit after about 4 weeks and it was really really hard for me. Your situation sounds a lot like mine. I had mastitis and a stubborn latcher as well. When I eventually gave up I felt like a failure and embarrassed, but it got a lot better after I did. Less stress meant happier me and happier baby. He's doing really well now. Whatever you decide is okay and I hope it gets better for you soon.
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    I'm sorry.  I don't know what to tell you, but I'm also very  frustrated with BF'ing.  I pumped today and got almost 3 oz PER BOOB.  That's great, right!  But for some reason I still can't seem to satisfy these boys.  We're still supplementing with formula, and it's ticking me off.  WTH?

    (I realize this is of absolutely no use whatsoever so sorry for venting along with you...)

    ETA:  Just read the other responses.  I think my boys are lazy eaters too, but it kills me to leave them on longer than about 20 minutes.  I'm just hoping that as they get older, they'll get more efficient.  But I'm also worried that the reason they're lazy is because we supplement with formula, which is much easier for them to take in with the bottle.  Very frustrating...  I'm sorry.  :(

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