Pennsylvania Babies

Potty Training Success

So my little man decided Friday night that he wanted to start potty training. We bought the Rainforest froggy potty in January. Since then, we have asked him every morning and night if he wanted to sit on froggy...every time it was a loud and clear "NO." Well, Friday night, he said yes and he sat on Froggy and peed two times. He woke up Saturday morning and it seems that we are on our way to being diaper free.

He is doing such a great job....we have him peeing like every hour when we are home. Our only problem right now is he is scared of the big potties when we go out, so we are having to keep him in a diaper.

 Last night, he woke up from his afternoon nap at 4:30 and was dry. He had a drink, ate some pizza, and then we went to run errands and got dinner at Sonic around 7. We got back to the house and he was totally dry. I sat him on the potty and he peed right away.

We are even having some success with pooping, which I have heard is rather difficult. 

 This is all very overwhelming to me, as I haven't had any control over it..and I am usually very much in control of things. 

Re: Potty Training Success

  • ya! that's awesome. have you seen the cute little fold up toilet seats? that might make him not so afraid of using it when you guys are out.
  • We ordered a potty hammock for him to try. I am not sure if he will like it or not, but we will see.



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  • That sounds like he's well on his way!  My 2.5 year old is in the middle of potty-training, too.  She actually loves to go the bathroom when we're out since she finds those bathroom stalls very amusing for some reason.  We carry a little kid potty seat wherever we go (literally in my purse sometimes), and that seems to work well for us. 
  • fxz109fxz109 member
    Congratulations!  Yay for diaper free!  (I had the realization yesterday that we may be in for at least 19 more months of diapers! Indifferent)
  • Yay Chasey!!!!  You called it!!  But who knew it would be so easy!!
    BFP #1= DD, We've been TTC DC #2 since 8/11. BFP #2 on 4/18/12, BO confirmed on 5/21/12, natural mc 0n 6/1/12. BFP #3 on 10/11/12.... Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
  • What a smooth transition, that is great!
  • Congrats, that is so exciting!
    TTC since Jan 07. Dx with PCOS Jan 08 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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