I have had complete placenta previa for at least a month now and it doesn't look like it is going to move. The peri said he doesn't think it will. Although it could, stranger things have happened! But anyway, what is the liklihood of going on bedrest because of this? I didn't think to ask the peri that. His main concern was bleeding, which he said could happen because of this but what if it does? What would that mean? Something wrong with the placenta? Even if I don't have bleeding, would there be a possibility of bedrest just due to the CPP?
Re: Did you go on bedrest for complete placenta previa?
I wasn't on bedrest but I was working from home which helped a lot. I was told not to travel because I needed to be close to a hospital in case I started dialating and thus bleeding. Luckily, I never had any bleeding or complications. I only knew I had a previa b/c of the ultrasounds I got at the peri's office.
I had a scheduled c-section (because the boys were breech and transverse) but the section was scheduled for 36w6 days because of the previa. They don't want you to go into labor or dialate AT ALL with a previa.
Hopefully you won't have any complications. Good luck!
My twins are 5! My baby is 3!
DS#2 - Allergic to Cashew, Pistachio, Kiwi
DS#3 - Allergic to Milk, Egg, Peanut, Tree Nuts and Sesame
Hi and congrats!!
?Not to scare you but I did deliver early (31 wks) because of placenta previa complications. Before delivering I had several bleeding episodes which it control it self but I went into PTL because of it. Most times the bleeding causes your uterus to contract.
I was put on mod bedrest. Looking back I think would've requested to be under complete bedrest. I was too active, not that it caused me to deliver early but I think it would've helped some.