My name is Devon and i'm a girl! ?i was named after Devon, PA where my dad grew up. ?i've known other girls named Devon with an "o" and i obviously don't think it's boyish! ?i always thought that it was redneck to spell it with an "a" or "i" don't ask me why.
TTC since 4/2009 I'm 30, DH is 33
Stage IV endo on ovaries
IVF 6/2011- 14 eggs, 12 mature, 6 fertilized, 2 transferred, 0 frosties
Mason Lucas 3/4/2012
Re: Devin
I have a distant cousin who's female and her name is spelled Devan.
However, I LOVE Devin for a boy. Kind of reminds me of Kevin, but so much better.
BFP#2 ~ 8/2/11, EDD 4/11/12, D&C 9/12/11 at 9w5d
BFP#3 ~ 4/15/12, EDD 12/21/12 ~ DD born 12/22/12
technically "Devin" is male and "Devon" is female (I speak from experience).
It is much more prevalent as a boy's name these days.
For some reason, the spelling Devin looks more feminine and Devon looks more masculine...
Traditionally it's a boy's name, but I guess people are now using it for girls. The only Devin's I've known are boys.
Girls name. Maybe Devon for a boy?
Stage IV endo on ovaries
IVF 6/2011- 14 eggs, 12 mature, 6 fertilized, 2 transferred, 0 frosties
Mason Lucas 3/4/2012
My name is Devon too!!- I was also name after Devon, PA. Although I will say the many people say they expected a boy when they heard the name.
It's more popular now and its funny because I am not used to hearing my name out in pubic- so I always am looking around when I hear the name.?
This - plus my 7 month old nephew is Devin and I know a gal named Devon.
Devon = boy or girl
Devin = I've never seen that spelling.