
Worried about lack of movement this weekend

I am kinda worried this weekend because I have barely felt the babies move. Usually they move a lot (off and on of course) with big kicks but yesterday and today I haven't felt much. Just a couple kicks here and there. I am 22w4d so it is probably just too early for predictable movement and at least I do feel some movement. I have an u/s tomorrow with the peri anyway so that's good. It is so hard not to worry, but should I be?
Abigail Noelle, 8.29.09
Brady Phoenix, 8.29.09
Claire Zoe, 10.26.10

Re: Worried about lack of movement this weekend

  • It is hard not to worry but you're right, it is kind of early for predictable movement. They might just be facing backward so you can't feel as much or maybe they're just chilling out. It is great that you have an u/s tomorrow though, that will be reassuring! I didn't feel mine every single day until about 25 weeks or so. GL!
  • I didn't have predictable movement that early on, so I wouldn't have worried about it at that stage, but I know that it is impossible not to worry.  You are already protective!  I worried about mine until the minute they were born (and then new worries started).  My Baby A didn't move as much as Baby B, so it always made me nervous, but they are both very healthy!  I am glad you have an appt tomorrow to calm your fears. 

    Drink some orange juice or eat some sugary candy and lay on your left side - that might help you feel them!

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  • Thanks for the reassurance! Maybe I am just being paranoid. I tend to get that way right before an u/s  :p
    Abigail Noelle, 8.29.09
    Brady Phoenix, 8.29.09
    Claire Zoe, 10.26.10

  • i always get worried before u/s too!!! you arent alone!!!
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