My boys were born on 6/9 at 36w4d and on 6/12 one was diagnosed with necrotizing enterocolitis. He's currently on day 9 of 14 days of IV antibiotics in the NICU while our other son is at home.
At the end of the 14 days the doctors will start reintroducing food but I don't yet have a timeline on when he'll be home.
If anyone has been through this, can you please relay your experience? We've been arranging care everyday for one baby so we can visit the other and will have to intregrate their schedules once he comes home.
Re: Anyone have experience with NEC?
did you ask this on the preemie board?
They thought one of my DD's had this, but she ended up NOT having it, so I'm not sure what happens after the 2 weeks of Antibiotic.