I'm mostly a lurker and don't post much, but just tested - twice - and am definitely pregnant. DS is 13 months old. We've been talking about number two but not - ahem - doing much about it, so I didn't really expect it. I'm...excited, scared to death, in shock, a little confused (really, really, didn't think the timing was right!), and did I mention excited and scared?
Haven't told DH yet...I think it will be a good father's day present. But...OMG...
Please tell me I can do this. And that the sorta-kinda bad timing won't matter in the end. (I'm trying to finish up a PhD...)
Re: OMG, that is a BFP
Congrats! I felt excited but scared to death when I got my BFP- you have a whole 9 months to lose the scared to death feeling..although I still get waves of it every now and then
You sound like I did a few months ago...although, DH and I had been discussing possibly only having one.
I'm still scared. I figure there's not much I can do about it (and don't want to do about it either) plus, why not just enjoy it? It's going to be SO much fun to watch two babies interact.
Congrats! You can do it!
I just found this board today, so I just saw your post. My little guy is 19m old now and will be 25m when baby #2 arrives (not really 2 under 2, but close enough!).
I just wanted to tell you that I'm also finishing up a PhD, so I feel your anxiety!
cmucouple...you don't happen to be from Pittsburgh do you? Black and gold...CMU...just curious.
I grew up there and we're planning to move back in a year or two.