Thanks to everyone who said a prayer for Grayson - his cardiology report was good.... he has a little hole in his heart- the doc thinks will close very soon- and they found an extra vessle they couldn't get a good shot of - but are not concerned. They want us to come back in a month to get him checked out again just for a precaution. Since they don't seem concerned- we are not going to worry about it either (for now! lol).
Their biliruben levels were low enough to come home - so we finally made it here around 2pm yesterday.
Griffin has been AMAZING with them! He wants to help and really IS a good help (fetching things we need) and seems to have the magic touch with burping (mommy can never get these boys to burp!) but griffin gives a few pats and out it comes! He thinks that is so funny
The boys decided last night that they wanted to eat every TWO hours instead of every 3 like they have been doing during the day - gee- thanks! But at least they are eating a lot and pooping out the jaundice
Breastfeeding has come to a hault- both are rejecting the breast now out or nowhere- not sure why- so i'm pumping- and not getting much when I do. If it doesn't pick up - i may give up and just bottle feed- b/c time is too precious to me now... we'll see.
We are so thaknful and feel so blessed to have them home and healthy!
Thanks again!
Re: We are home! And survived our first night!
I hope they continue to grow healthy!!
Congratulations! Hang in there....they may nurse more today.
Are the twins little redheads like your other son?
Linda Tx Grandma
Congrats! Glad to hear everything is ok, good luck with the b/f, hopefully it will pick up.
That's all great news! Who knew that poop would be so exciting, right?
Glad to hear everything is going well.
Yay for Grayson and congrats to everyone! Keep pooping out the jaundice boys!! I understand the eating every 2 hours thing... we had that for a little while too... I wonder why they are both rejecting BFing - have you tried different holds? Mine are sometimes frustrated when I tandem with football hold, but are great with the cradle hold. Time is precious though, so do what works best for you and the boys. :-)
I didn't know you had the boys:) CONGRATS!!! I will say a little prayer for Grayson too.
They are adorable and good luck bf. I am nervous about this myself!
Baby Trail Blog
"Someday we will look at our babies and know it will be worth it. If it was easy, we would not have had our babies, the babies we were meant to have." From Amy052006
Glad to hear things are going so well! Your boys are BEAUTIFUL! My daughter has had a hole in her heart since she was born. We just had an appt. this past week with her cardiologist and they think it has finally closed on its own. I'm hoping you will have the same luck. Really....we couldn't even tell she had it unless the doctors told us. She was very active and acted like a normal kid!
On another note..... I am being induced on Tuesday morning! I hope to do as well as you seem to be doing!
Beta #1 15dpo 298, Beta #2 18dpo 1048
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