Well.....I had my first mini breakdown. The girls had their shots on Tuesday and have NOT been right since. The last few days have been complete HELL. Tonight I couldn't take it anymore and I just started to cry:( Within 2 minutes of me crying......complete silence! It was like they knew I needed a break. Now they are sleeping like little angels and I'm eating brownies because chocolate always makes me feel better:)
OH.....whoever posted that blog of that twin momma....THANKS! Perfect timing!
Re: I cried today:(
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Family Blog
Infertility Blog
Oh my gosh, I love it! Usually chewy or sour things make me feel better : )
Mmm, brownies ... and ditto the rest of Faery's comment! One of my guys was in rough shape after his shots, though. Although if it's been more than 24 hrs and they're still not themselves, you should call your pedi.