
crafty nesties

i need an easy finger painting project to paint on one of those autograph frames.  any ideas?

Re: crafty nesties

  • I am not sure what type of projcet you are doing, so this "idea" might not work, but could you do thumb prints and turn them into bugs by adding antenna's and legs and stuff?

    ETA: I guess you could turn the thumb prints into flowers, too (or anything, really).

  • I really just wanted to say I think your daughter's name is beautiful!  Maren and June were our name choices if we had a girl!

    I saw something on Jon and Kate that they did with the kids with fingerpainting.  The put aluminum foil on the canvas and the kids painted over it, then they took off the foil.  What if you cut out different shapes then had them paint over it, then took off the foil so the blank spaces made the picture.  You could always do hand prints, or make a garden out of flowers made from hand prints.  (Sorry my suggestions stink but I thought I should try to be of some help!)

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  • Good ideas.  I am not crafty at all.  We are trying to do this for Father's DAY.  I suppose I could really let Noah smear paint all over the fame and MH would be happy.
  • you could do his hand and foot prints, too? those would be cute in diff colors on the frame.
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