PLEASE spell your DC's name correctly. Don't think that "different" spellings are cute or make it unique. It's just a PITA. My name is not very common, and the spelling is even less common. I am so tired of people spelling it wrong. Once or twice or if it doesn't matter, no big deal. But I've been working w/ this designer for almost a year now and she still consistently spells my name incorrectly! I just got yet another email and it's spelled wrong. You'd think w/ me spelling it out for her and signing every single thing that she'd get it.. but nope, she insists on spelling it the way she wants. It kind of makes me feel like I'm not important enough for her to make the effort. Kind of pisses me off.. yet at the same time I'm so used to it. Don't do that to your child!
CP 3/07
BFP 5/07 - Kylie born 2/08. BPF 2/09 - Alexandra born 10/09.
TTC since 8/13 - diagnosed difficulty conceiving due to LP defect. Took vitamin B and Vitex Berry to help lengthen.
BFP 2/14 - Missed M/C found at 8.5 weeks. D&C at 9w2d. Partial Molar Pregnancy.
BFP 11/14
Re: name spelling vent
Could. Not. Agree. More.
To the OP:

I can see why parents want their child's name to be "unique" but most of the time it looks like they didn't know how to spell the name.
My cousin's dd for example. Her name is Colby but they wanted a "unique" spelling and went w/ Colebeigh. Yes, Im serious!
My sister and I were both "blessed" (ahem) by our mother with youneek spellings. We were just talking about what a PITA our names are. She said, "I cringe when I have to spell my name because people look at me like I'm crazy."
Part of it is just people are lazy and dumb, as in you have told this person countless times and she refuses to learn it.
but I agree, if there is a classic spelling, probably best to just stick with it.
I agree, but I do think it's okay to use a variation if it's an ACTUAL spelling variation, OR if the original spelling has been bastardized and while less popular is the actual real spelling.
Bronwen/wyn is on my list. I can't decide how I would spell it. Bronwyn is more common, but the actual name Bronwyn is a boy's name, and Bronwen is the girl's spelling of the name. People have just started using the yn spelling for girls, but it's in fact the wrong version.
Also, we spelled DS' name Colin with one L because it's statistically the more common one, but people spell it incorrectly all of the time, even after corrected.
So, I think it's one thing to name someone Stephen instead of Steven or whatever, but it's quite another to name someone Colbeigh instead of Colby! LOL!
Yep couldn't agree more. I have a unique spelling for a common name and I am cursed to correct people on the spelling and pronunciation for the rest of my life.
Plus when I was little I could never have stuff with my name on it. If I did it always had the common spelling, Stephanie.
I swore that my kids would have the most common spelling for their names.
Well my name is Ashley, which you think would be easy, but people constantly misspell it. I don't know. I do agree that the classic spelling is usually the best, but there are some names with multiple ways of spelling them and in a lot of cases none is better or worse than the others. A lot of the spellings that we think are "normal" in America aren't really the correct way to spell names. I think it's sad when people criticize spelling because it's not the Americanized version of the name.
But I agree that people who try to be unique often end up looking unintelligent. I have a friend who has a son named "Izahia" which is suppost to be Isaiah and I cringe every time I see it. To me, there is no way that it isn't "Is-a-HE-uh" or maybe "eye-zah-ee-uh" based on the spelling. I have no idea how she can look at that and think it spells Isaiah.