My baby is not here yet, but I am trying out this sahm thing before I actually make a decision on whether I want to go back to work or not in January. So far I have cleaned the house everyday and gardened like crazy. I know that things will be different when my LO comes, but honestly are any of you kinda bored sometimes? I don't know if I am cut out for this.
Re: Are you bored? Honestly?
Yes. Honestly.
But every job has its pros and cons, and being a SAHM is no exception. Boredom is the biggest downside for me. But at the end of the day, it's still worth it.
ETA: Don't confuse boredom with a lack of activity. I stay very busy (I have 3 kids!) But the things that keep me busy are monotonous and dull (changing diapers, cleaning up, preparing meals, laundry, playing with the kids, etc.) Even playgroups can be dull if all the adults ever discuss is the kids, which tends to happen more often than not.
Ditto. In the beginning it's boring because your LO does nothing but sleep all day. Then, it gets boring because they do the same thing OVER and OVER! As they get over the age of 1, it gets MUCH better and you are able to do a LOT more with them.
Maybe mentally bored, but usually too busy keeping up with DD and our lives to actually have the energy to do something else. In the beginning I was too busy with DD to even cook dinner. I swear my butt was glued to the rocker and I was always nursing her, holding her, nursing her, soothing her, nursing her, getting her to sleep.... I felt like every day went by so fast that I was suprised when DH got home that it was so late. Unless of course DD had been screaming all day, in which case the day was about 1000 hours long and I was going insane... but not bored.
I do work part time, but when I'm home DD usually entertains me so that I'm not bored. She's still fascinating to watch. And then we also get out of the house every day either on an errand or to playgroup and probably a couple trips to the park thrown in there too. I will say that trips to the park are probably the most boring part of my sah life. But she loves it and I love that it wears her out and makes her nap well so I go with it.
I would agree with this. Mentally I'm so unchallenged that I feel worthless to myself half the time. I read, go to the gym and keep up with the news, but it's not enough. I really miss the challenges of work. Other than that, though, you will never have a 'quiet' day running around with your matter what age/stage they are at. Good luck trying to clean your house everyday with a newborn
It's next to impossible to do it once a week hehe!
No, I haven't been bored once yet. It seems like I can never fit in everything I want to do in a day. When (or if) there is ever down time I have all of my ?creative projects to keep me busy.?
But, I had NO doubts about wanting to stay home instead of working. My only real concerns were about finances, and so far we've managed okay. I worked for 15 years, and was so ready to be a stay at home mom.?
No, I am honestly not bored! DD and I are always finding things to do, places to go, people to see...I try really hard to prevent monotonous the days from getting monotonous. I have had my moments of feeling bored, but overall I LOVE being a SAHM and spending my time with my little girl,
The first few months were definitely harder, because you feel like all you do is sit at home, feed the baby, change diapers, and surf the net...
Now that she is 11 months old though, I absolutely LOVE every day with her and we actually get to really interact and play! I have not regretted my decision at all! We clean together, cook together, go for walks, go to the park and library...I think it takes time to adjust to the lifestyle, but in the end its totally worth it...IMHO at least
This exactly! I hardly get bored now that DS is older. We do a lot during the day to keep ourselves busy. I was more bored in the beginning when all he did was sleep.
Honestly, no, I have never been bored and I give all the credit to my family and friends from back in TX, as well as the neighbors and friends I have made here in CA that have gone out of their way to visit me, keep in touch with me, help me find fun things to do here in CA and just to be a part of my life.
Our house has been like revolving door the past 3 1/3 years, ha!
Every stage Emily has gone through since birth has had it's challenges and not-so-fun parts, some days are better than others and I have been home-sick from time to time when my mom can't come visit but thanks to all the play dates, activities, classes, local story times and parks, drop-in swim times, family activities at DH's work and about a million other things we do around here, Emily and I are never at a loss for things to do and I just never have enough time to be bored, if you can imagine.
I will say however that I LOVED the 7 months I was pregnant as a SAHW - I was so lazy, I slept in every day and lounged by the pool with a good book most afternoons and I took up some new hobbies! I do however get how being at home right now could be bored for you and I hope you are able to find some ways to better occupy your time... I would sleep!
eclaire 9.10.06 diggy 6.2.11
No way! I can honestly say I have never been bored as a SAHM. I love it. If DS does manage to take a nap (rare!) I have plenty of things to do. I am the type of person who keeps myself busy and I was much more bored at work than I am with my son. I consider SAHM my job. So I give it 100%. And I love it, even on the really bad days, when DS is super cranky, I would not trade it for work, even at the jobs I had which I considered fun, they just don't compare.
As another pp said, I worked for many many years before having DS so maybe that does make a difference, I don't know. I was ready to be a sahm.
Anyway, it will be different for you with the baby. So I would just make a decision after the baby is here!
Oh my gosh am I bored and I even have a five year old. The days seem to drag and I'm like I have ten weeks left till baby is here. Our house is all over the place because my husband and father in law are redoing our daughters new room they gutted the bathroom to the boards and it's a mess. My daughters playroom was that room and her toys are all over our formal living room and her room now still needs to be transformed into the nursery. Ahhh! Not that much time to get everything done, but can't do anything till our daughters new room is finished.?
You would think I would be busy but it has not come to that yet until her room is done than I will be busy. I have not even bought anything for baby yet except for some sleepers.
Yep - I get bored. We do a ton of things to get us out of the house - playdates, classes, museums, the gym, errands, activities, etc keep rom being bored. We are usually out of the house except when eating/sleeping.
BUT - the times we are home playing and those rainy days that we are stuck inside, yes, I am bored. There are only so many times I can push the toy trains around the track, you know? He is only 2, so his play time at home tends to be very repetitive, very non-independent, and he is only now really starting to develop imaginative play. I love singing "5 little monkeys", but only the first 200 times each day
I am never, ever, ever, ever bored in terms of "oh my gosh, what do I do now?" There is always stuff to get done.
Yes. But, I am also physically exhausted all the time. Mentally, I am bored.
Trust me, you will not be bored at first. It takes a while to set in. I was also bored at my job from time to time, so it's simply a trade off. I consider myself no happier or more depressed than when I was working. Well, maybe a little happier since I get to watch DD change every day. You just have to deal with some things, and for me, boredom is one of them. There's ways to combat it.
Good luck!