

Hey, I read your response in the IUD post.  Just curious as to how long it took you to get pg once you had it removed? 

Re: **shopgirl**

  • Mine expelled after 6-7 months having it. ? Then I went on the minipill and then nada and then pg. ?: )?

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  • Oh it expelled?  Just came out by itself?  Did it hurt?

    I did the minipill after DD1 and got pg on it while BFing too.  lol!

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  • It didn't hurt but it felt weird. ?Yep, on its own. ?

    Oh no! Not into trying that again huh??

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  • Nope, not doing the minipill again!  I haven't ruled out the possibility of having #4, but not for awhile (if ever)! 
  • We are so done after this!! ?

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  • That's what I'm saying right now too, but my whole pregnancy, I didn't have the feeling that it was my last.  It was a crazy hectic time in my life and I didn't really get to enjoy it or even remember it.  I know that's not a good reason to have another kid, but I always pictured myself knowing when it was my last and really enjoying every bit of it (since I love being pg). 
  • i think if i even mentioned 4, dh would run out the house screaming never to return ; )?

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