Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Rash from Johnson and Johnson baby wash?

My son has been developing a rash latly mostly on his face, scalp, neck, ears and upper chest.  We have been trying to determine what has caused the rash and have come to the most recent conclusion that it may be the Johnson and Johnson baby wash.  In between baths we have been washing his upper body with a wash cloth with the baby wash on it to clean up spit up, etc.  Anyone else had a problem with the baby wash?  We are going to try to stop using it for a week and see what happens. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this?

Re: Rash from Johnson and Johnson baby wash?

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    Could it be baby acne? Mine has it on her face only
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    I won't use J&J products...too many nasty chemicals.  Try aveeno baby fragrance free.  I have never had a problem with it.
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    My son had an awful rash when he was about 5 weeks.  We took him to the pedi and she said he had exema (sp?)..  She gave us a prescription to use for 5 days and told us to use nothing on him but Dove Sensitive Skin Body Wash.  Ever since his skin has look great!  Hope this helps!
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    Jb&JbJb&Jb member
    we were getting a rash from it as well.  not sure if it was the j&j or just from scented detergent/fab soft.  we've switched to aveeno unscented products and free and clear detergent and we're not having any problems now.
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    I used J&J bath and also the lotion on ds for three months.  We never had a problem with the actual wash or lotion but we recently switched to aveeno.  Ds seems to have sensitive skin and aveeno (so far) has been helping to keep his outbreaks under control.
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    I won't use J&J products...too many nasty chemicals.  Try aveeno baby fragrance free.  I have never had a problem with it.

    This. or california baby sensitive skin or cetaphil face wash

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    Our LO got a rash from this, our pedi recommended water only for awhile so we haven't tried anything new yet.
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    piveypivey member

    I'm severely allergic to J&J stuff. At the hospital I didn't realize and they were squirting their baby oil into my, well...I had a rash with welts all over my lady parts, rear, stomach, and legs for weeks after's toxic shiz.


    We didn't even try it on my girl - she gets Burts Bees wash and olive oil for moisturizer...

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    Same thing happened to my daughter.  ruined our 1 month pics.  :*(

    Use Cetaphil wash and Lotion, it will clear right up.. and it's cheap.
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    We can only use Dove unscented bar soap. DS is allergic to anything with a scent. We also have to use free and clear detergent. That might be something to check too.

    W (02/2009), N (08/2012), and C (04/2014)
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    IDK. I only use Earth Mama Angel Baby organic/vegan products on DS and Free and Clear detergents. We use the Foaming cleanser/hair wash and massage oil. LOVE it!
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