

I saw in your reply below that you don't do the pillow under the belly thing because you'll go onto your back.

I was having this exact problem.  Here's what I do (getting into bed has become a whole production every night):  I have a long body pillow I use for my knees and to tuck under my belly/provide support.  Then I take another pillow and wedge it at my back - kind of folded in half to make it taller since it's a thinner pillow.  This way, I can lean back on that pillow while supporting my ever expanding belly.  

It seems to help me get comfortable, so you might want to give something like this a shot.  For me, it's pretty comparable to sleeping on the couch using the back as my support.

Good luck! 

Re: *groovygrl*

  • Hi there!

    hehe- that is actually my most recent comfy position also (and I agree about bedtime being a production, MH stands by the light switch while I get all my pillows & things in order, grunting the whole time. ha. Plus I have the fun carpal tunnel braces on both wrists...

    I use a snoogle & I still feel like it is somewhat too fat for under my belly. I think I need to go through our old pillows &stuff to see if anything is a little thinner to put there. That partially leaning back position is pretty good, I agree- it also helps keep my stupid hands from falling asleep since I can straighten the lower one & put it on a pillow. The joys of pregnancy... ;)

    ?By the way, no more trickle, I talked to the nurse again & decided it was probably just urine & I'll just keep an eye on it. I hate walking the fine line between overreacting to things & being nervous that I'm not reacting enough!?

  • I know exactly what you mean about that fine line!  I'll feel something and wonder and wait to see if it happens again.  It's frustrating not knowing what's normal and what is worrisome.  

    I'm glad it was just that once - hopefully you won't have any more of that! 

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