I have been trying everything to get him out of my bed because I am huge and 21 weeks pregnant! He kicks all night, I mean I have scratches on my back from him digging his little toe nails into my back! This weekend his father and I put his bed in our room to see if that would make him want to sleep in it, if it was next to us. Well that worked right until we got into bed and then he said, "no I sleep in mommy and daddy's bed!" We say no to him and put him in his bed but, he goes on and on omg! I just don't want him one of these days to kick my belly! Anyone have any ideas?
Re: 2 yr old Sleeping in my bed still!
can you bribe him?
Does he sleep in his own bed at any point at all or always in your bed?
We went through this recently with my DD and the only thing that worked for us was the Super Nanny Method. We made a decision one night that she was going to start sleeping in her own bed no matter how much she cried/begged/screamed/got out of bed/etc. I'm not going to lie, the first week was hard but it is so nice to have our bed back, at least most of the night (she ends up coming in in the wee hours of morning).
Basically, we did the bedtime routine, tucked her in, said goodnight, all the good stuff and left the room. As soon as she got out of bed we would pick her and take her back in and put her back into bed, repeat. The first few nights it was 20+ times of this, but she eventually caught on. When we took her back in it would be a quick tuck in and walk back out, no real talking, just very matter of fact. She still gets out of bed at least once a night now, but it is so much better than it was and we are all sleeping better now.?
Just remember, consistency is key, you have to be committed to this. About 5 nights into training for us DH let her sleep in our bed and was went all the back to the beginning.?
Kelly Monaghan's 5K - 5/15/11 - 3rd Place in AG
Walk the Talk 5K - 5/18/11 - 31:12 PR
Ridley Run 3.1 - 4/14/12 - 1st race of the year, 32:45
I replied to a post like this the other day:
oh gibs, stop it.
I'll agree with gibs on one thing, start putting him in his bed. Keep putting him back or let him know you'll stay for a little bit then you have to go but if he needs you, he can call you.
Soon the baby will come and then what will you do?
Much of what others are saying. Put up a gate in his room (but show it to him while its still daylight -- I didn't want the gate scaring the bejesus out of my son when we started with the gate).
My son is 2 and when we went to a big boy bed we had a few times where he wanted into our room. We explained before bedtime that if he got up, we would be leading him back each time. And then, that's what we did.
You might spend all night doing it, but stay calm and firm (no hitting with a tiny backscratcher!) and eventually he'll get it.
You have to do whatever you are going to do for the next year -- NOW! If you decide he's going to sleep with you now and even after the baby then stay status quo. OR If you don't want him to resent the baby -- for the baby kicking him out of his spot and being replaced with the new baby -- do it now.
Put him in his room in his bed. Sleep on the floor for a couple nights. But he is old enough now to sleep in his own bed. Go let him pick out a new pillow case or sheet or something -- bribery ! If he keeps going on and on .. let him -- but he goes back to his bed. Plan on a few sleepless nights now and get him in his bed. It is time.