
duggars - statistically speaking,

one or more if them is likely gay, and one or more has been molested on some level.

I think that the parents don't fully know what all goes on in their house - the have the buddy system so that the older kids take care of the younger and I think they trust in that a wee bit too much. 

And if any of them discovers they are in fact gay, I wonder if they'd follow their heart & be happy, or deny it and stay the religious course? 

These are the things I wonder about them.  But I'm weird, I know that.  lol

Re: duggars - statistically speaking,

  • I would love to see one or more of those kids "rebel."  And before someone gets pissy, I don't mean in a bad way at all.  I would love to see one of them want to be more mainstream, more "think for themselves." 


    Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams

    You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
  • You need to read "Survivor" by Chuck Palahniuk.  He wrote FightClub.

    Survivor is about a cult and one member of it after being released into mainstream society.  Freaky, but a damn good book.

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  • I agree statistically one or more of them are/will be gay. Interested to see how they handle it. I think it's more likely that one/some of the girls will be victims of domestic abuse.

    But regardless, I think they Duggars are strong enough to prepare their kids for life and I think they will support each other no matter what. I have friends who are very strict Catholics. Their son is most likely gay (I say most likely because I don't think he knows), and a lot of people wondered how they would handle it. They have been wonderful -- and have basically told their son they just want him to figure out who he is and what makes him happy and that they will support him no matter what.

  • These are my weird thoughts on the Duggars and reality stars in general:

    I think accepting money to be famous = selling your soul.  I think it is inevitable that the masses will turn on you.  At this point you will regret selling your privacy (which is your soul in this case). You will want to close that window and people will be more interested in looking in than when things were "kosher."

    In their case the Duggars have more to lose than anyone.  They have, what, 16 minors who infamous last name will haunt them for many years after the show ends, into their rebelious years?  Plus, they are selling themselves as good Christians, a pedestal hard for anyone not to fall off of.  I can't see this turning out good.  Hope they are prepared!

  • there was a fam in our church with 12 kids, very religious.... the oldest 2 finished college and got married... not having huge families.... then the middle children started to rebel. one got pg, then married, now divorced,  one just darted, he couldn't wait to be out of that house.  there were some behavior issues with a couple of the younger boys.  one of their youngest has cerebal palsy. in a wheelchair, needs total care.  there are 2 more children after him.... but I cannot imagine the strain on everyone to have that many children in the house.  they love each other.  very caring family.. but there was rebellion... but I think many families with just 3 kids experience that as well.
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