My post about a local photographer (which I've DDed) apparently caused a stir.
I apologize if I offended and realize it was in bad taste. I guess I feel so at home here that I sometimes forget it's a public forum -- not just me dishing with my girlfriends in private.
To the photographer (if you end up reading this since you received the link to the original post) -- I'm sorry.
To the person who emailed me -- thanks for making me aware. However, it would have been a lot easier to take you seriously on the subject if you hadn't closed your message with "And, by the way, your pictures suck." Mature.
Re: Guess I got myself reported to the nest gods
Some people have WAY too much time on their hands!
What a bunch of crap.
Some people are just really really freaking lame.
I think I did, but not intentionally. I think it automatically gets clicky with explorer if you space or hit enter after it.
Something similar happened to me. I posted the blog of the photog who took pics of DD for a local modeling shoot.
I commented that DD looked 15. I totally meant that it was just a lot of clothes and a lot of hair (her hair was sort of backcombed and the clothes are kinda punkrock) for DD's features. I didn't mean that they were provocative or even think that my comment reflected on the photographer (and I said the pics were BEAUTIFUL just not the type of clothes DD normally wears).
We had her take DD's pics again and she totally commented on the post. I guess she was watching her hits go up and up and investigated why. I think she was mildly offended! Kind of embarassing!
I don't really see anything wrong with what you did or I did but it sucks when the nest and 'real life' get mixed up.
I don't know her. She emailed me directly, but I don't recognize the name.