Just need a little advice. Let me give a little history...Sofie had her 1yr shots last Tuesday then on Sat we went swimming. I applied sunscreen about every 30 min and we were only in the sun for about 2hrs give or take a little. Anyway I noticed on Sun that she had some red splotches on her but just thought it was from the sun. Well when I picked her up from my moms on Mon after work I realized that she had a rash from head to toe w/ some hive like bumps here and there. I called the dr and they said to give her benedryl and that someone had probably changed their lotion, etc. O.k. fine. I tried the benedryl and she threw it up, cause she has a tendency to do that when she doesn't like something. I called back on Tuesday and they said I could try the benedryl tablets. Ok fine. Keep in mind the rash had now turned into sporatic hives vs. head to toe red rash. The tablets go a bit better but she still has all of these bumps on her. My question is should I call the drs office yet again or should