
Anyone have a regular size trampoline?

By regular size I mean one of the big ones you put a net around?  DS and DD went on one when we were visiting family in Texas.  They loved it and now we're considering getting one.  I just didn't know if it would actually get used enough to make it worth the cost.  We live in AZ so for the summer it would be a bit hot except early morning and late evening but the rest of the year is nice.  If you have one is it worth it?  Has anyone broken bones, etc.?
Dee Dee DS Elijah Xin 3/11/05 DD Evangeline Mei 8/24/06

Re: Anyone have a regular size trampoline?

  • My ILs have one and DD loves it. She uses it a lot when she's over there. They've had it since my DH was in his early teens I guess, none of their kids broke any bones on it.
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