
Dear Scale,

I know I am a fat lard, and probably every time i step on you- it hurts, but dood.

I am PRETTY sure I did NOT gain 9 pounds this week while carefully following weightwatchers, and I know I feel thinner and my pants are looser- which is usually not an indication of a 9 pound gain...

I have stepped on you about 8 times this morning, and each of those times has yielded from you, a completely different weight...

I am beginning to think you are unreliable, and maybe we're in an unhealthy relationship.

I would step on you a LOT less if you would just consider telling the truth consistently.



Re: Dear Scale,

  • OMG - I think our scales must be related. I've been working on the whole diet/exercise thing since Feb. and have only lost 15lbs. I've just decided to pack up the scale - it's not about a number, but how you feel.
  • LOL.  That's why I hate scales. 
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  • lol

    I have a hate/hate relationship with my scale.

  • Is your scale of the male gender?  I bet so...
  • Just posted this on a post below but it's worth posting again. Please read- Why the scale lies. GL!

    You feel thinner, your pants are looser.... dump the scale!! 9 pounds. LOL. Yeah, it's not your friend and certaintly not a reliable one.

  • It's a conspiracy between the diet industry and the scale industry!
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  • pisses. me. off.

    I wish I could turn off the weight tracker on the WW online site- whenever I go on there, It hounds me about how I have NOT YET ENTERED MY WEIGHT FOR THE WEEEEEEK!!! AAAAAAARGH!

    There is not option to say: my scale is neurotic, I am NOT entering a 9 pound gain that I KNOW I did not earn!

  • Seeing as how there are small children in your house, you might want to check UNDER the scale and see if it's been tampered with. A small toy lodged underneath can make that happen.

    And I confess - I'm a little freakish about the scale being exactly in the precise memorized position before I step on it. You know, to ensure consistency in levelness on the tile. I get pissy when my DH bumps it out of place.

  • imageDaiLyght:

    Seeing as how there are small children in your house, you might want to check UNDER the scale and see if it's been tampered with. A small toy lodged underneath can make that happen.

    And I confess - I'm a little freakish about the scale being exactly in the precise memorized position before I step on it. You know, to ensure consistency in levelness on the tile. I get pissy when my DH bumps it out of place.

    (thanks!  i did flip it over...nothing..and totally- I have it alligned on a special tile riiiiiight in the middle, and i can't weigh myself anywhere else.)

  • Bastard. Run it over with your car. That will show the damn scale!
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