Marino is somewhat delayed in his expressive language (receptive is fine). But yesterday he started waving "bye bye" and today he said "bye bye" to me twice when I was leaving daycare

I was excited!! We have been working on those 2 things everyday for MONTHS!!!
Re: Can I AW for a moment?
That was how it started! We were home yesterday and Daddy was going to work and he waved bye bye to him!!
I just want to say that Marino is absolutely adorable. Those curls!!
Thanks!! The hair is definately getting crazy. Now if I brush it, it just gets bigger and bigger!
Aw! ?Good boy!
Keira does it but very inconsistently. ?So inconsistent that I'm starting to think it was a fluke that she ever does it at all!?
I think I inadvertantly taught the word "no" to Evan. He knows to shake his head, I'm just not sure he knows that it means "no" yet.
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