If you have one of those cherry pit (or corn kernel) bags that you can microwave to heat, do that and put on your breasts prior to nursing (or anytime really). I also massaged them to get this flowing, I had to do this with a lot of pressure (as recommended and demonstrated by my OB, which hurt like hell).
my lactation consultant told me that you can't pump too much during the first couple weeks, so don't feel bad pumping anytime you need to for comfort (i wouldn't pump a ton, just enough to feel better). i also would massage my breasts before nursing. i don't remember exactly, but i think i only had engorgement bad for the first couple weeks. good luck! nursing is a cinch after a while and so convenient - it'll become second nature eventually, but the first couple months were rocky for me.
Re: holy engorgement - HELP
I was insanely engorged.
If you have one of those cherry pit (or corn kernel) bags that you can microwave to heat, do that and put on your breasts prior to nursing (or anytime really). I also massaged them to get this flowing, I had to do this with a lot of pressure (as recommended and demonstrated by my OB, which hurt like hell).
It lasted a few days, but it did get better.
Good luck!