Oh my goodness! Just saw the new pic of Maddie in your sig and I am kvelling over it. What a cute little smile from her!!
How are things going today with her reflux?
I can't say the Alimentum has made a huge difference for us yet, but it's only been 24 hours. We'll see what he's like over the next couple days I guess. Thank goodness he's sleeping peacefully right now though.
Re: ::bellisimo::
HEY! Thanks! She really is a happy baby.....unless she's just eaten and then, well, you know!
DH got us in to see the Pedi. GI specialist in the morning at 8. We started the Alimentum tonight (my friend is a drug rep and she slings Similac so I scored a few boxes of samples of ready to feed). We'll see if it helps. The Prevacid, inclined mattress, inclined changing table pad, thickened feedings and such has made NO difference at all. Right now I'm just waiting on a miracle. You feel me...I know! I have cried my eyes out over it (I don't do stress well) to the point where my eyes are swollen and puffy. I think more than anything I'm just so sad that she's so miserable. I mean, the only reflux I've ever experienced in my life came with both pregnancies and was shear hell so I can only imagine how miserable it is for an infant with no verbal skills and no means of helping themselves! Gah...maybe the GI doc can suggest something else or check her for physical/structural problems that are causing everything to come right back up. In the meantime, I'm drinking and taking one day at a time! Cause I know it will get better eventually.
Yeah that's what bothers me the most too is when he's obviously in pain and looking at me like "What's going ON here?!" Or the thought that he thinks this pain is normal after eating. That makes me sad too.
Like I said, I haven't noticed a huge difference since starting the Alimentum but it hasn't been too long and I'm hoping the probiotics will help in some way too.
Nora didn't have reflux either so I feel like a new mom in many ways. And I'll feel SO much better about having to go back to work early and leaving DH with the kids if Miles' eating/reflux issues are resolved or at least better in some way. Ugh.
Nora Judith 7/2/06 Miles Chauncey 4/20/09 born with Trisomy 21 - Down syndrome