
Well, sh!t.

I can't decide if I should go pick up the boys.  I'm working from home and they're at daycare.  The DCP just called and Andersen was losing his mind in the background.  I'm not sure if it was just hearing it through the phone or if I really have never heard him cry like that, but it broke my heart.

Before DCP could even say anything, I said "I'll come get him."  She said that he was okay -- probably just hungry -- but she was letting me know she was feeding him early and he'd probably be hungry earlier this afternoon then (I can only pump enough for one day of daycare at a time, so there's no reserve).

She said I didn't need to come get him and I insisted she call me back if he's still upset after he eats, but I don't know...he sounded like he was in pain or something.

It's days like this I really hate having a job.  I hate having to weigh whether or not my boss is going to be pissed at me or having my position on the line against my kids' needs.

Re: Well, sh!t.

  • imagemamarazzi:

    It's days like this I really hate having a job.  I hate having to weigh whether or not my boss is going to be pissed at me or having my position on the line against my kids' needs.

    I'm sorry!  I totally know how you feel there!  Hopefully, he really was just hungry and all will be well in a little bit.  I'd probably call back in however long it takes for him to eat to see how he's doing.

  • I'm sorry. Your paragraph hit the nail right on the head for many wohms.
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  • I'm sorry.  I was never able to keep a backstock of milk either - and it's HARD with work. 

    I hope he's ok (and that you are!)

  • I hate this too.  And I hate that co-workers/boss *may* think that it's just an excuse to get out of work.  It's not ... I can finish work by busting my ass a little later and still get it done on time.  I canNOT help a sick kid (or whatever) at a later date.  Their need is now.  It blows.  And it blows that it's all on me.  My dh does not work in a position to cover these immediate needs. 

    Anyway, i know exactly how you feel and i hate it too.

    Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
  • (((hugs)))

    I know how hard it is.  Remember that his cries are magnified 10-fold over the phone.  He probably is just hungry, so having him eat will probably help.  Remember that you have chosen the daycare that you trust, and know that they will do what they can to help him.  They will call you if there are other problems.  I would give a call in about 30 min and ask how things are going.  Chances are he is doing great.


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