I'm starting to got angry at the situation. Granted 4 children should be more than plenty for most people, right? I always had visions of tons of kids around and had hoped to have more than 4. I had agreed to let DH have a vasectomy since the OB felt that I shouldn't have any more children. I told him the other day that I regret letting him do it.
The OB told me that they felt that I shouldn't have anymore considering I had HG, IC, PTL and HELLP syndrome. Even with all of that I would do it again in a heartbeat. Anyone else stupid like me and wish we could have more?
Re: Anyone else angry at being told no more babies?
I posted the other day about seeing a MFM before I TTC again. I feel like my dr is irrationally optimistic about me having another baby. Have you gotten a second opinion? I always wonder if I saw 10 drs, how many of them would agree with each other on the chances of me having another healthy pregnancy.
I'm hoping to have 1 more but I am cautious...I don't know if I could go through all this again. HELLP is so scary!
Not angry exactly, but sad.
The funny thing is we've always said we would have only two. ?(And we have two beautiful girls) ?But for some reason being TOLD that there shouldn't be any more for us just hurts my heart and makes me wish we could have more. ?I feel so sad knowing Keira is going to be my last baby. ?I don't think anyone ever feels truly "done" though. ?I know ?I don't. ?:(
DH is also saying to me he'd want to be done anyway since we've had the developmental issues with Matthew and Christopher. Me, obviously would want another one or two?
I didn't consult with an MFM for the should I not have anymore kiddies thing. I counsulted with one for the other health issues.
I did tell the hubby that once I start back to work and we saved some money I would try to convince him to get his vasectomy reversed OR just to IVF since we did IVF with the twins. He laughed.
I wanted four, but I'm having to adjust to a downsized version of the family I wanted. A second one is probably pushing my luck, but I still want more.