
boy potty training question..

When your boys first PT, did they just pee a little bit in the potty?  I mean, like drip drip drip, rather than a stream? 


DS will sitt on the potty and I say, DS can you pee.  he holds his breath, pushes, and he gets out drops.  but nothing like a stream at all.  He keeps doing that, just little drops all the time. 

Is that the usual, and eventually he gets the hang of making a stream of pee?

Re: boy potty training question..

  • I think every kid is different.  Mine did streams of pee at first, but if I try to make him go when he's not ready it's a dribble.  I think he'll get it eventually.
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  • Preston had always had streams of pee. He will even say, "ah" now when he

    He will get it. I know that when Preston does not have to go and I make him sit there (like before we leave the house, etc.), nothing but a dribble will come out.

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  • He mostly did streams, but we also didn't really have him just sit on the potty.  We were late trainers and didn't really start until he was ready to say that he needed to go.  The only times I really insisted that he sit on the potty is if we were getting ready to go somewhere and I knew he hadn't peed in a while.
  • Just did not have to go that much!!  We put him on the potty at 4, just dribble.  then diaper.  At 5:30 we put him on the potty again, his diaper was DRY as a bone.  and he had a stream!!  wooohoo

     We are going to try again, 30 mins from when he stopped before.  which would then be 30 mins before bathtime.  we will see.  Tomorrow we are going to target and going to buy some big boy underware and a toilet seat cover. 

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