

hi - I am really sorry to ask you this again (I think I asked before but maybe not), I am still trying to wrap my head about all this IF stuff.  Maybe I should buy a book.

Anyway, if you don't mind, why did you Dr put you on Clomid?  What does that 'do'?  (Your unexplained IF comment below made me think that).  I always thought that clomid was to 'do' something.  I am wondering if that is something that my Dr will try if everything comes back fine and I still don't get pg.



  • RE explained it to me as helping to create "super-ovulation", which I guess is 2+ follicles (which potentially means more eggs ovulating, thereby doubling+ whatever chance you have of conceiving). ?For me, the clomid's done nothing---I still only ended up with one productive follicle last month (which my body pretty much does anyway), and this month, I've had no sign of any ovulation yet.?

    Clomid, b/c it's been around for 40+ years, is generally the first fertility drug an RE will use--it's less aggressive than the injectable drugs, lower risk of side effects, like hyperstimulation and higher order multiples, and some women respond to it really well. ?Not so much for me, though. ?We're going to injectables next month. Boo. ??

  • Thank you!  That makes sense.  Although it is interesting that given it makes 2+ follicles that there is only a slight increase in chance of multiples?

    Are you doing the IUI this month again?

    Good luck with the injectables -- but hopefully there won't be a next month of fertility treatments :)  fingers crossed for you.

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  • Yeah, we're going to do the IUI again this month if I show signs of nearing ovulation.?

    I guess the reason the risk of multiples is relatively so low on clomid is b/c, according to my doctor, I only have like a 5-7% chance of conceiving ONE baby every month (given my age, etc), so the risk of conceiving 2 is exponentially smaller. ?With injectables, the risk of multiples goes up to something like 25%. ?eek!!?

  • Yikes.  I hope you get pg with 1 healthy baby very soon.

  • Thanks! Right back at you!
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