Well lastnight they got really bad so I had DH take me to the ER. Well they checked my U/S that I had on Friday and said everything looks fine! So the did a CT scan of my stomach and well nothing so since they could not find anything wrong they chalked up to heartburn ( I know what heartburn is and its not even close!) So now I have to go back to my Reg DR just to start all over again!!! Needless to say I am still in pain and they have no cause for it and so I guess at this point I will be suffering forever now! I was just bawling the whole way out of the hospital and the whole way home then went and cried my self to sleep. ( The dr was kind of a jerk to me acting like I was making all of this up and then telling me I dont know what heartburn is and that it can be right where my pain was, ( it was just above the belly button and down!) so who the heck knows)
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Re: So on Sat I was on here complaining about stomach pains right......
I'm so very sorry they treated you that way. I had a similar experience at a hospital. I had an ovarian torsion and the ER doctor was acting like I was exaggerating and sent me home. I finally got in to see my regular dr and I ended up having surgery that day.
After that, unless I were really dying, I think I'd avoid the hospital and try to hold out to see my regular doctor if I ever had to again.
I hope you get some answers!
That sucks. After my c-section, i was in so much pain. the doctors were like "it's a c-section infection" even though I told them my incision and such felt fine. BUT they didn't hear me when I said I hadn't pooped for 2 weeks. I was impacted and finally diagnosed myself and demanded an x-ray.
make sure you bring an advocate with you to the hospital (friend, DH, etc.) who can be a bulldog.
No it just comes in waves weather I have eaten or not! Its been going on since Fri night, I really havent eaten anything fatty. I have been trying to watch what I eat lately to see if it help with the Sh*ts KWIM?
I had my DH there and he was all pissed off at the dr and the dr was like I could admit you but its not medically nessesary but just for pain management and I was all WTF?
Then the ER doc is an idiot. People are admitted all the time for pain management and to perform other tests. If it's not your GB then I think you need a upper endoscopy done. My mom's GB scan was neg, but she had a scope and had H. pylori (bacteria) and an ulcer. A year last her symptoms came back and it was her GB which she had removed.
Sorry and I hope you get some answers soon.