

I saw your post below about getting tubes tied.  I was in the exact same position as you...people can flame away, but my DH was petrified of getting a vasectomy, and I wasn't going to push it. 

 I ended up getting Essure done.  I dont' know if that is available where you live, but I thought it was great!  Basically, it is an out patient procedure. They go in through your cervix with a camera thingey and put nickel coils into your tubes. The coils cause your tubes to scar closed over 3 months. 

 It is completely IRREVERSIBLE (I guess a regular tubal can be reversed maybe?) but I think its a great alternative if you are 100% sure.  I went in at 8:30 AM (with DH ;)) and was back out by 10:30AM.  I chose to be put out for the 20 minutes that they did the procedure, but you don't have to be. Basically, the actual procedure was about 20 minutes and done by my OB.  They went in, placed the coils, and I was back home an hour later.  The recovery only involved some mild spotting and cramping, only slightly worse than AF.  Honestly I could have gone back to work that afternoon, but I was back the next morning with not even tylenol, and just very minimal spotting for 3 days or so. 

 The only catches I found were cost (this would depend on your insurance but cost me about $2000 out of pocket, not sure how this would have compared to a vasectomy) and that you have to wait 3 months for the scarring to be "complete".  You have to use protection during that time, and then have an HSG done to confirm complete blockage.  The HSG was done in about 5 minutes, was slightly uncomfortable, but just a quick appointment to confirm. 

 Just thought I"d throw that out there.   A lot of people think tubal can only be done surgically, but this is a new option. There are at least 2 of us on here who have had it done and have really positive things to say about it.

 Page me if you have any other questions.  I"m only off and on here during work, but I"ll look out for any pages ;)


Re: **JulieChili**

  • Thank you so much!  It does sound really convenient.  I know a coworker who also had it done and is very happy.  I just got bugged out thinking of having the coils in my body permanently. 


    I do appreciate all the information!  I'm going to discuss all my options with my GYN during a consult appointment.  I'm just sick of being on BC.

    Thank you!

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