A few friends of mine have this stroller and we tried my daughter in it and she seemed to really like it. She turned 2 in April. I am due with baby # 2 the end of janurary / early feb. My DD will be about 3 months shy of 3.
I like that with this stroller, its not bulky- menuvers easily- can be used with 1 seat or two- and has a ton of storage spae under the seats.
Does anyone have this stroller? Do you highly recommend it like Ive been hearing othe parents do. Also if you have it, Can you put an infant carseat/carrier on it? I think I read somewhere you can. Also what kinds fit?
TIA! BTW this is the stroller https://www.amazon.com/Kolcraft-Contours-Options-Tandem-Stroller/dp/B000J2DQPA
Re: Kolcraft Contours Dbl Stroller
For the price it isn't a bad stroller the cons are that it is BULKY. The seats were too shallow for my large/tall toddler. Don't get me started on the steering. My toddlers are now 33lbs and 36lbs. I can't imagine what it would be like to wheel them around in it now as apposed to just trying it out in the store!
We went with the P & E with doubles kit and had no regrets. I am actually about to sell it to a friend for $275.
This was one purchase I wasn't willing to skimp on because we use it so often and I needed it to be easy to use, one handed steering and comfortable.
I really thought that this would be the stroller for us too, but when we went to see it in the store it was like trying to drive a tank! It was so horrible trying to steer, etc. with just one toddler in it (and he is a light toddler). If I remember correctly (it has been over a year so I may be wrong), you also have to remove the seats to fold it up into the trunk. Way too much work for me.
We ended up with our Bob Revolution Double - WAY more expensive, but so worth it in the end (esp. for resale value). We use it a LOT and it is perfect for us (though not a ton of storage).
I tried that stroller after visiting some stores that carried the Bugaboo, P&E's and MBB and so my mind might have already been made up or clouded by strollers that felt like butter in my hands by the time I rolled up to the BRU to try the stroller out. Or was it Walmart?!?
Emilia was born when Miles was 15m so I invested in something that I knew would get a ton of use. If he had been 3 I would have not gotten a double stroller. Miles currently rides in it about 30%.
Have you tried the nicer sit and stands?
I have to go sort out my options.. I guess this stroller is really meant for twins and kids 18 months apart or similar.
Man This is going to be a headache of choosing isnt it?
yes and no... I just looked around a lot. I walk a dog every day and my dc were 19 m apart in age. So I knew I'd eventually need a double stroller ... BUT.... I didn't buy one until ds (#2) was 9 months old. I used a hotsling and bjorn until then. He would go in the carrier while dd sat in our single jogger for walking the dog.... I couldn't jog, but I walked briskly. When we went to the mall we'd either put ds in the carrier and dd in the peg perego or we'd snap ds into the peg perego infant seat and stroller and dd walked. on the back of the peg, there's a board dd can stand on... she would usually want to help push though. If she threw a fit, I had the hotsling in my bag to hip sling her and dart for the door. Again, they were only 19 m/ apart. dd is almost 3 1/2...she's a stroller kind of kid.. but over the last couple of months, she's wanted to walk more when we go the mall.
have you thought of one of those boards for the back of your single stroller for dd to stand on? do you have an infant carrier or sling? You have time to decide.... and you never know? models can change and improve or new stuff will come out?
just wait.