Baby Names

I need BOY name suggestions since my baby isn't a girl

We just found out last week at my 33.5w appointment that our Emily isn't an Emily, so I need BOY names!!  All suggestions welcome.  Our DS1 is Emerson Elijah, so those two names are out!


Re: I need BOY name suggestions since my baby isn't a girl

  • Are you trying to stay with E's?

    If so I like Ethan, Elliot, Everett.

    photo 203b9128-895f-464c-a378-ff73eaf8c1ce_zps4de57ab1.jpg
    Xander, Hayden & Lily 5 1/2 and Jericho 3 My Blog!
  • I agree with Tripmomma on Ethan.. thats a very adorable name..

    if your staying with E's

    Ian is a cute name too could always spell it different ?


    But as for any names, i like Hunter, Troy, Trenton, Connor, Logan & Dustin... all boy names we considered

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  • We aren't necessarily sticking with E names, that just happened to be the girls name we liked best (and it went with Emerson nicely too!).
  • Edward, Edwin, Elton, Ethan, Elliott...
  • imagebenifer224:
    Edward, Edwin, Elton, Ethan, Elliott...

    Wyatt, Caleb, Gavin....

  • Josiah, Noah, Clinton, Elias, Wesley, Clayton, Cameron?
  • I also like Wyatt, Caleb, Gavin.

    Honestly, I'm glad that you now won't be able to use Emily... it sounds really silly with Emerson. Sorry!

  • I really like Ethan.?Eric is another E name.


  • Nicholas, Patrick, Derrek, Gavin, Harrison, Henry, Gannon, Joseph, Brendan/Brandon/Brenden, Clark, Harvey, Asher, Declan, Spencer, Graham, Landon, Logan, Ewan, Conner, Camden, Evan, Eric ....
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Evan 
    BFP #1 4/2/09 EDD 12/6/09 -MC 4/12/09 BFP #2 6/2/09 EDD 2/14/10 -Ectopic in Tube, Surgery 6/23/09 BFP #3 10/15/09 EDD 6/27/10 -Daniel John 6/21/10 BFP #4 Oct 2010 Chemical Pregnancy BFP #5 8/19/11 Beta #1 82.8 Prog 17.25
  • erinmserinms member
    I love Ezra.
  • Kegal-

    First off, I didn't ask for your opinion on the name we had chosen for our "daughter," I asked for name suggestions for our DS2.  Secondly, since DS1, Emerson, has brain cancer, we wanted to honor him by naming his sister after him. 

  • Nymbler suggests: Cole, Austin, Emmet, Reuben, Luther, Riley, Coleman, Reginald, Edgar, Cameron, Earle, Nathan, Emmitt, Colin, Eliot.
  • If you're thinking of a way to continue Emerson Elijah's memory, what about Elias, since it's close to Elijah but not obvious?
  • I like Emmett if you still want to honor DS1.
  • Haha oh no!  What about Coleman, Jackson, Aidan, Garrett, Carson, Carter, Tobias, Bennett, Brody, Grady, Milo, or Nolan
  • imageSJC1984:


    First off, I didn't ask for your opinion on the name we had chosen for our "daughter," I asked for name suggestions for our DS2.  Secondly, since DS1, Emerson, has brain cancer, we wanted to honor him by naming his sister after him. 

    I'm sorry; I didn't mean to be rude. I think it was one of those things that came across differently online than it would have in person. I think it's beautiful that you want to honor your son, but Emily is very similar. Using it as a middle name or something would still honor him in a less matchy way.

    As far as boys' names, I like PP ideas of Elias, Emmett, etc. I think those would be fantastic names to honor Emerson. ETA: Emmett is close to Emerson as well, so I think it would be a nice middle name for another not-E name. 

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