I feel the same way about drinking. Every so often I'll drink a little too much and I'll pay for it DEARLY the next day. Last weekend I had 3 mojitos....and puked when I got home. Gross.
Now I'm on a 2 glass of wine limit. And only white. Red gives me a raging headache the next day (even one glass).
Drinking THAT much does not even appeal to me in the slightest any more. I am just not the party machine I used to be! That, and it's not worth losing the next day (feeling sick & hung-over) anymore! When I had no kids, it wasn't an issue.
Re: No dignity, none whatsoever.
I feel the same way about drinking. Every so often I'll drink a little too much and I'll pay for it DEARLY the next day. Last weekend I had 3 mojitos....and puked when I got home. Gross.
Now I'm on a 2 glass of wine limit. And only white. Red gives me a raging headache the next day (even one glass).
Hope you had fun before you felt sick!
Oh, jeez, I feel ya. The last time I drank (really drank); I puked in my BFF's apartment elevator in NYC. So...no worries.
photos by jennied photography
Alissa Jean
In the BMW?! Oh my. ?That's going to leave a mark. ?
Sorry you feel gross. ?I guess I feel better about drinking @ the 2 y/o's bday party last night---at least I didn't puke. ?LOL
How are you feeling today????
and is it sad that I saw your facebook status, and thought "hmmm...bet she posted why on the nest...better check it out!!!