I was wondering if there is anyone that is doing a DA on their own. What are some of the benifits and disadvantages of doing it on your own? DH and I are just starting our adoption journey and just looking for more information.
This time we are not going to have our own placement agency. We are having an agency update our homestudy but after that we are just working with a referral service who will locate a birthmother. The paperwork is then done by the BM's agency. It ends up saving you some additional fees because you don't have to pay your agency and her agency.
We're using an attorney/facilitator (in our state, adoptive parents aren't allowed to do any direct advertising, it has to be done by an attorney, facilitator, or agency), not an agency.
We had one failed match (mom had the baby then her changed her mind), and are currently matched and waiting on Baby B to be born in early November. Email me if you have any questions: mrsb2007 at gmail dot com
TiffanyBlue is, and posted an update the other day.
Thanks Fred! I was out all day and did not see this question! Thanks for steppin up to the plate!
WHAT'S IN MY CAMERA BAG: Canon 40D, 50 mm 1.8 prime and not much else yet! Learning to edit with PSE 8 AND LR 3. My real name isn't Tiffany, and I'm a photography newbie!
In NJ, as opposed to Mrs.B, facilitators are not legal...go figure... we are doing direct advertising and we are working very closely with an attorney who's entire practice is dedicated to adoption and third party reproduction issues. If you need some info, you can PM me and I will give you my e mail address! I will be happy to help you out. I really love my attorney but as I mentioned in the post before, it is hard to endure the waiting...
WHAT'S IN MY CAMERA BAG: Canon 40D, 50 mm 1.8 prime and not much else yet! Learning to edit with PSE 8 AND LR 3. My real name isn't Tiffany, and I'm a photography newbie!
Re: On Your Own v. Adoption Agency
This time we are not going to have our own placement agency. We are having an agency update our homestudy but after that we are just working with a referral service who will locate a birthmother. The paperwork is then done by the BM's agency. It ends up saving you some additional fees because you don't have to pay your agency and her agency.
We're using an attorney/facilitator (in our state, adoptive parents aren't allowed to do any direct advertising, it has to be done by an attorney, facilitator, or agency), not an agency.
We had one failed match (mom had the baby then her changed her mind), and are currently matched and waiting on Baby B to be born in early November. Email me if you have any questions: mrsb2007 at gmail dot com
Thanks Fred! I was out all day and did not see this question! Thanks for steppin up to the plate!