
If you have an I Phone do you like it?

I am thinking of getting one since it will be as much as most of the other phones with DH's discount through work.  It looks fun. Is is worth it?  Thanks:)

Re: If you have an I Phone do you like it?

  • I don't have one ( so what help am I , right?) but everyone seems to love them...

    I wonder if face and finger prints are a problem? I can NOT stand having smudges on my phone, and I am constantly wiping it off- if I had an IPhone or anything with a touch screen, I might lose my mind.

  • I love my I phone.  I have apps on it for dd when we are going to the lab are something like that to keep her busy.  I have my shopping list on it programed with 5-6 stores that I go to I can also mark that I have a coupon.  Im not sure what I would do with out it.
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  • I love mine too. If you get one, get the screen guard to protect it from being scratched.

    Summer 2011
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  • Love it!

    But... you can't respond to Nest/Bump posts on it.  You can read, just not reply.  

    I also have my shopping lists on it. As well, as a calendar to track my monthly cycles (I'm still not regulated after BF my daughter). A bunch of games.  And other apps like weather, GPS, etc.  

    No worries about the fingerprints and scratches.  Just get the film to cover the screen and it's no problem.   

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • You can reply. When you go in the screen to reply in the top area where spell checker is you will see HTML hit that. It will bring a new window up type what you want then hit update it will put what you just typed one the nest. Then hit post.
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