
Computer Vent

I'm sure no one gives a hoot, but maybe if I type it out, I'll feel better.

I have spent the last 3 evenings trying to backup my computer with the software that came with the external hard drive I got.  3 evenings!  Plus, I left my computer on overnight to try to finish the back up since it was taking so long.

Well, tonight the software has decided to stop working at least 4 or 5 times which means I have to restart my computer.  And when I restart it, it is taking well over 5 minutes to fully boot up.  The computer is only a year old, I can't imagine what is going on with it.

Anyway, I  just found some backup program in Vista that I'm going to try to use.  Hopefully that makes real copies of files and not a data file of all my files.

I'm tired, and frustrated.  Oh, and the cd-rom is broken so it has to go in for service which will take a couple of weeks. 

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