A couple months ago, our neighbor's sister and her two labs moved in with her. Since then, there have been many annoyances that never happened before, like people shouting at night, loud music at 2am, but the biggest annoyance is that she doesn't tie up one of her dogs when she lets it out. At least a couple of times a week, the dog is over pooping in our yard. We are not dog owners mainly because we have no desire to scoop dog crap.
It is a city ordinance that if you don't have a fenced in yard, your dog needs to be tied up. This rule is also a part of our association rules (Another rule is that you can only have 2 four-legged animals, and right now there are 4...). Also, there are two plastic grocery bags that have poo in them sitting by the townhouse in between our driveways. They have been there for a long time and are covered in flies and the smell is horrendous.
We don't know them well at all, and hardly ever see them outside. I'm kind of a chicken and am not really comfortable confronting them in person. I could report them to the association, but I am worried they will make them get rid of their pets, and I don't want that either. Would it be ok to just write a friendly note and put it in their mailbox asking them to either tie up the one dog (the others get tied up, so that's kind of weird too) or check our yard after they've let it out?
Re: NBR: Neighbor's Dog Pooping in our Yard- WWYD?
This, if you don't want to confront them yourselves.
I hate the confrontation too, but it sounds like it's necessary. And this is probably a temporary living situation for them.
I would, the next time you are both out, just mention it to your neighbor, not the sister, since I assume you know the neighbor better. Just tell neighbor that it's great to have her sister there, and she has great dogs (lie if you have to). Then tell her that you would appreciate it if she would make sure that Fido is doing his business elsewhere, or at least to pick it up.
I wouldn't report it to the association as I think that would cause more problems with the neighbors.
I didnt read your full post but my first thought after reading the title was to scoop it up, write a note and put it on their front porch. That or put it in a paper bag, then light it on fire, ring the door bell and run.
Maybe scoop it up and put that in their mailbox?
Seriously, with a note. That would get your point across. If it continued to happen after that I would contact the HOA. It is rude to not tie your dog up and have it poop in your yard. Even if you dont include the poop I would write a nice note explaining what is going on. They may not even know the dog is going in your yard. Giving them the benifit of the doubt I would be nice the first time I told them and then the second time I would include the poop. The 3rd time would be a call to the HOA. If they cant take complete care of the dog (ensuring it is tied up while outside without a fence) then they dont need it to begin with.
I think you should go talk to them. You don't have to be confrontational. Just go over with the mindset that they don't know the dog is leaving their lawn...
hi, I'm your next door neighbor. I just wanted to let you know that your dog has been leaving your yard. Can you please keep him in your yard so he doesn't go to the bathroom in mine anymore? Oh, and could you pick up the bags of poop by the driveway? The flies are getting bad. Thanks.
If they get ugly or rude just leave with an ok, thought you'd want to know. And then call the HOA on them.