I was just reading your response to Cooker's milk allergy post. Can I ask you a few questions?
I took DD to her 1 month apt yesterday and the pedi thinks (as do I) that she has reflux. DD1 had it as well but her symptoms were different. The only similarity seems to be the gurguling throat sound.
Anyway, DD2 spits up after feedings about 1/2 of the time. Sometimes its sort of thick looking and other times its watery. Its not a lot of spit up, usually less than a teaspoon I'd say. She's fussy on and off throughout the day but does have periods where she's very happy and content. She has TONS of gass, is always farting and/or burping but doesn't burp very easily. She poops about 6-7 times/day. Sometimes it is a small amount that looks very normal to me. Other times she will iterally FILL her diaper and its much more runny. I am not sure how to determine whether or not there is blood in it. Its the normal yellow color and seedy but sometimes it sticks to her bum more than others. She sleeps totally fine and is even going a 6 hour stretch at night. She does grunt a lot though during her sleep, noisy sleeper.
Does this seem similar to what you experienced with your son? I have wondered for a few weeks if she may have a milk intollerance or something like that. I haven't tried to cut out dair because the pedi said its not necessary if its just reflux. Is there a test that can be done to determine if its more than that? She doesn't have eczema but does have baby acne. Are there any other symptoms that I can look for? If the reflux meds don't help soon (she just started them today) then I will try cutting out dairy but I know that can take up to 3 weeks to show any results.
Re: **mamarazzi**
Hmmm. It definitely sounds like reflux, but it could be both reflux and a dairy sensitivity (AJ had both).
His diapers went from the seedy/mustard colored ones to green and mucousy. Sometimes they'd be a lot and sometimes a TON. I never saw any blood in his. Another thing -- they smelled. BAD. Law's poop never had much of a smell. And Andersen's gas stench could put a locker room full of high schoolers to shame.
As for the spit up -- it varies in consistency. A lot of times, it has mucous in it, too (and he doesn't have a cold or anything).
If it were me, I'd give the reflux meds about a week and then cut out all "raw" dairy (milk, yogurt, ice cream, etc. You could keep in hard cheeses and trace amounts in foods). It's so wait-and-see, but I did see an improvement within a couple days, so that was enough to keep me from breaking down and having cheese.
Sorry she's having issues.