Do you go to the pool a lot?
I want to join a pool today, but am wondering if it is going to be ginormous waste of money b/c it'll be a pain to supervise them both.
Also, our pools don't open until 1-- is this normal where you live? Do you go in the late afternoon?
Re: Mom with at least 2 kids 3 and under
I went maybe 2 times last summer, and that was with just one kid.
I have no way of supervising two. If DS takes swimming lessons this year, it will have to be on Saturday or Sunday when I can leave DD with my husband.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
It's hard, but we only go for an hour or two. Older DS doesn't really get into the baby pool, so I just have to hold younger DS in the water. They both like the big pool, because it's heated. After about 20 min, my arms hurt from carrying both of them. I do like it, because they are both so tired after going, so it's always followed by a long nap.
We've only been to a pool once and it was so cold the kids bawled!
L-R: Liam (7), Eimhin (6) and Fionn (4)! (Irish names)
Too busy to update the pics for now ...
buy a kiddy pool for your back yard....MUCH easier and then you can go when its conveineint for YOU and the kids...not when the pool is open and crowded, etc.
We contimplated this year joining a pool...but Mitch is in the destructive, fearless phase and decided the back yard pool is just fine...perfect for the kids to splash and cool off and no crowds or worries of kids running to the deep end and jumping in.
I don't really like to go. I just use my friends guest passes and that is more than enough for me. I probably won't go more than 6 times this summer. I grew up with a beach house and a lake house. I like swimming in "big" water, but am not sure what to do in the pool other than laps. We will probably join when DD gets older, if she wants to do swim team or something like that.
I second the kiddie pool. I like the "hard" plastic one over the blow up, much easier to clean. DD will play in it for a long time and it is super easy for me to sit on the front porch with DS and watch her. 1/2 the time, she plays around it, filling containers with water, playing kitchen or garden with the water.