DS has a heart attack if we pick out his clothes, so he chooses them. Most days that means he is wearing the same shirt over and over (I wash his clothes a lot). Today he picked out green shorts and a red Lightning McQueen tshirt. He looks like he's ready for Xmas with the green & red. DH thinks it's fine, because he is choosing his own clothes and doesn't fight us to get dressed before school.
He has so many nice matching outfits, but always chooses to wear something else.
Re: Do you let your 3 year old pick out his/her own clothes?
We give Sam a couple things to choose from - pants/shorts, or a dress ? And then if she picks dress, we offer 2 choices. If pants/shorts, we'll ask what color shirt she wants to wear.
That way she can still pick, but it doesn't look odd lol
R isn't 3, but ditto this. Giving her little choices throughout the day really does wonders for her. She picks the shirt, then I give her a choice of 2 bottoms that will both match that shirt. Or, if wearing a dress, I'll give her a choice of 2 dresses.
Ds has been choosing his own clothes since he was about 3 years old. He's never fallen for the "which of these two shirts would you like to wear today" trick. Try that and he'd look at you like you were crazy and inform you that he doesn't want to wear either shirt, that he wants his orange dinosaur t-shirt that is in his drawer with his blue shorts thankyouverymuch, LOL.
It wasn't too bad in the winter- he had a pair of jeans, two pairs of cords and two pairs of khaki pants all in neutral colors so pretty much no matter what outfit he selected it was almost always going to match by default. Now that it's summer he has a bunch of crazy colors in his wardrobe and it's problematic- he wants the orange shorts and the green/purple tie-dye shirt with red knee socks, LOL. Lesson learned- in the future only buy him neutral pants/shorts and then it won't matter.
Anyhow, we have let him wear whatever he wants for the most part, but I still have veto power and will make him change when he selects particularly hideous color combos or when we're going someplace special.
DD just turned 2 and I let her pick her own shirt or dress. I pick the shorts out though, so matching isn't an issue. She picks her undies.
The only shirts in her closet are season-appropriate, so that's not a problem either.