
NE see this quote from Kendra?

Not something you normally see in an interview about pregnancy, but she sure is honest:

?That?s the one thing I?m nervous about the most. Everything else is so fun, but I have visions of my vagina tearing, and that sucks.?

Re: NE see this quote from Kendra?

  • With all the c*ck I'm sure that girl has had, certainly she has nothing to worry about.
  • LOL!  I wouldn't say everything else is fun either.

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  • Wow - she seems clueless.  Birthing a child is hard (don't get me wrong) but raising a child is a day to day challenge that lasts much longer.  Not all "fun". 
  • why do I have the feeling she's gonna pull a Brittney and end up with a c-section?
    Josh-10/1/87, Brittany 3/9/91, Mandi 7/26/92, Michelle 9/11/06 image I'M GRAPE JELLY- ALWAYS AROUND & ALWAYS THE SAME If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me. For I must be traveling on now. Because there are too many places I've got to see. -Allen Collins & Ronnie VanZant My favorite verse!
  • She's still in the "honeymoon" phase of pg, when it is all good and you welcome the weight, the attention, etc.. Just wait until she's 6 or 7 mo. in. Plus, having watched how she eats (at least on camera) over the last few years, she ought to be an oompa loompa by then, too. I'd love to see her try to pole dance at 7 mo. pg.  As for her worrying about tearing, I said the same exact thing. I wasn't worried about anything else pg related, excepted if I tore during delivery. Her fiance seems like a normal guy. Perhaps he'll tame her a little, and she'll actually turn out to be normal as she hits her mid-20's.
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  • No, I think she's a little tougher than that.
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