
S/o poll. Inspired by squishy. And kitty, I suppose.

What type of underwear do you wear more of? Granny panties? Sexy? Thong? Bikini? Boy shorts? Your husbands? Edible? Again, if you open it, answer it. This place is D.E.A.D.
Daisypath Wedding tickers

Re: S/o poll. Inspired by squishy. And kitty, I suppose.

  • Bikinis, or boy shorts. Looove my walmart boy shorts.
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
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  • Bikinis or hipsters
  • I live in boy shorts. I'll wear thongs if I am wearing pants that show a pantyline. But I looooove boy short undies.
  • I am very loyal when it comes to underwear. There is only one kind I will wear: Victoria Secrets cotton bikini. And I'll only buy black, nude, white, or tan undies. Neutral all the way.
  • VS PINK low-rise hipsters/boy shorts

    I wore a thong up until the day I had S, but mesh hospital undies ruined me forever and now I'm all about comfort.

  • My favs are VS bikini (used to love low rise bikini) until I gained 15 pounds after my 1st and 2nd mc and now just regular bikini's.
  • imagescubawife:

    I also wear bikini or boy shorts, but my butt thinks they are edible.  It keeps eating them lately.  Perhaps it's time for a larger size?

    That's the edible I'm wearing these days too lol!

    I used to be a strictly thong girl and I'll probably go back to that once my crotchal region is back to normal.

  • mostly the 5/$20 VS cotton bikinis. 

    Nathan 7-13-06 ~ Elizabeth 4-12-09 ~ Zachary 8-5-11
  • "Hipsters," but I don't really see the difference between them and bikini-cut.
  • Thongs and hi cut briefs. As soon as I lose the rest of the baby weight, however, I'm going clothes and underwear shopping...can't wait, I've been wearing the same style for way too long...that's what 2 kids in 2 years did to me.
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