What type of underwear do you wear more of? Granny panties? Sexy? Thong? Bikini? Boy shorts? Your husbands? Edible? Again, if you open it, answer it. This place is D.E.A.D.
I am very loyal when it comes to underwear. There is only one kind I will wear: Victoria Secrets cotton bikini. And I'll only buy black, nude, white, or tan undies. Neutral all the way.
Thongs and hi cut briefs. As soon as I lose the rest of the baby weight, however, I'm going clothes and underwear shopping...can't wait, I've been wearing the same style for way too long...that's what 2 kids in 2 years did to me.
Re: S/o poll. Inspired by squishy. And kitty, I suppose.
VS PINK low-rise hipsters/boy shorts
I wore a thong up until the day I had S, but mesh hospital undies ruined me forever and now I'm all about comfort.
That's the edible I'm wearing these days too lol!
I used to be a strictly thong girl and I'll probably go back to that once my crotchal region is back to normal.
mostly the 5/$20 VS cotton bikinis.